10 Best Christmas Present Ideas for Dad

The holidays are a time of togetherness, of showing love to those around us and of making sure that they know how much they mean to us. Presents are a secondary aspect of the season, even if it's easy to forget that. But, it's still a great feeling to give someone a gift that you know they love. It's not always easy to do, however, and sometimes shopping for that perfect gift for dad is a challenge. Luckily, if you have even a vague idea of what the father in your life is interested in, you should be able to get a gift that he'll love. Here are ten great ideas to get you started.  
  1. Whiskey - If your dad is a drinking man, you can't go wrong with a special bottle of whiskey. Bourbon-wise, check out Maker's Mark Cask Strength. If he likes scotch, try the Auchentoshan Three Wood. Both are moderately priced and sure to please a whiskey man.
  1. A Portable Turntable - A Travel Turntable is a great way to take Dad back to the good old days of vinyl, and they are more affordable than ever, too.
  1. Fishing Rod - Whether he's never tried it out or is a pro, a new fly fishing rod could be a perfect way to make sure dad is able to get out and enjoy some time in nature this year.
  1. Helicopter - No, not a real one. But dads are usually kids at heart, and a small remote control helicopter is a great way to bring a smile to his face this holiday season - plus gives him something to do with the kids.
  1. Drone - Or, take it a step beyond the helicopter and get him a compact drone. Affordable ones link up to your mobile phone and make it easy to fly in style.
  1. Hard Drive - Sometimes, the things a dad wants might surprise you. Get him an external hard drive if you want to boost up his storage space and make sure he doesn't run out of room for his digital files.
  1. Infrared Golf Simulator - From 'Optishot', this simulator uses infrared beams to replicate the ball's path. He can play a whole round of golf inside, without ever having to head to the local course!
  1. Racing Experience - If you're close to a racetrack, most of them offer packages that allow users to get behind the wheel and drive a racecar or a luxury car around the track for a few laps. Dad will be sure to smile when he steps on the gas and hears that Lamborghini engine rev up.
  1. Gaming Rig - Whether it's a PlayStation 4, an Xbox One, or the Nintendo Switch, dads who enjoy gaming will love a new console to play on - or just a new game if they already have it.
  1. Stainless Grill Set - Give dad a grilling set that will last a lifetime. Stainless steel sets include everything he needs to create amazing grilled food for you and the whole family.
  Think about the dad in your life's interests and then keep them in mind as you shop for a great gift for him. There are more options out there than you might think. And above all, remember that it really is the thought that counts.