Delectable Christmas Tree Recipes

Each holiday season, many families cook or bake tasty treats for their friends and family. Many of the recipes are passed down from generation to generation, used year in and year out. If you’re looking to try something new this year, you’re in luck. Below, we’ve compiled a list of delectable Christmas tree recipes, sure to bring new flavors to the holiday table this year. All of the methods utilize the leftover needles from your Christmas tree.
Pine-Smoked Mussels
This is an excellent recipe that allows you to put the old pine needles from your tree to good use. Begin by scrubbing and cleaning the mussels under cold water. Then, set a large metal tray outside, away from anything flammable. Spread the pine needles over the tray. Then, lay the mussels on top of the needles, hinge-side up. Light the needles on fire and let them burn for roughly six to seven minutes. Then, season the mussels with butter, garlic, and salt, and enjoy!
Brew A Seasonal Beer
Another option you have is to brew a seasonal beer using the leftover needles from your tree. For instance, if you have a spruce tree, grab 100g worth of needles along with five liters of water. You’ll also want to grab 20g of hops, a small piece of bruised root ginger, one packet of ale yeast, and 600g of malt extract. Begin by bringing the water to a boil. Then, add the:
  • Hops
  • Ginger
  • Spruce
Allow the mixture to boil for approximately 30 minutes. While the mixture is still boiling, add the malt extract and allow to boil for another ten minutes. After this, strain the mixture into a food-grade bucket and allow to cool to room temperature. Add the packet of yeast and allow the mixture to sit for a week. While you can enjoy the beverage at room-temperature, feel free to chill it for a refreshing winter drink!
Christmas Comedown Shortbread Cookies
This is an excellent dessert to make for the end of your holiday season. The ingredients you’ll need include 170g plain flour, 55g caster sugar, 115g soft butter, two tablespoons of finely-chopped pine needles, and a pinch of salt. Combine these ingredients until you have a smooth dough. Chill the dough for approximately 15 minutes while you preheat your oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Roll the dough until it is approximately one centimeter thick, and then cut into circles. The mixture should produce around 12 cookies. Once you’ve cut the dough, bake the rings until they are lightly golden. This should take about a half hour.
Pine Needle Vinegar
You can also make pine needle vinegar, which you can use in your kitchen for future recipes. The result will be an earthy vinegar that contains hints of citrus. To make the vinegar, fill a mason jar with the needles. Pack the jar as tightly as possible with needles. Then, fill the jar with apple cider vinegar. You’ll likely use about 300ml of vinegar. Seal the jar and allow it to store in a cool, dark place for two months. After two months, strain the pine needles until you have an amber liquid. This vinegar is an excellent choice for things such as salad dressings.